Nutra Ingredients Ltd. | EU Grown Organic Barley/Wheatgrasses - Last crop of 2016... - Nutra Ingredients Ltd.
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EU Grown Organic Barley/Wheatgrasses – Last crop of 2016…

10 Nov EU Grown Organic Barley/Wheatgrasses – Last crop of 2016…

Here we go for the latest update on the EU grass powders….

It appears that Nutra has first claim on the last harvest of 2016 (as we were one of the first to source/sell this grade). So this is the last opportunity to stock up as the next harvest will not be ready until June/July 2017. Naturally, due to the EU climate this material isn’t regularly grown/harvested and the EU farms will now invest in new land/machinery to scale up production in the second half of next year and thus provide a continuous supply. This will hopefully avoid the stop/start supply issues we have experienced in recent months.

So can I ask the following…

1) Please let me know the maximum you would require for delivery in December 2016 taking onto account the above. I may not be able offer all you require but I will try my best.
2) Are you able to consider your future demand from July 2017 as I could offer a maximum of 4 tonnes a month shared across our client base.
3) We’re working on a solution to fill the Jan-June gap but I may not be able to confirm the quality until early January 2017.
